BiENvenIDoss!!! a SKYFM!!!

hOLa BienVEnidOSs a SKYFM!!!
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miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Grammatical rules of countable and uncountable things!.

It is necessary to correctly understand the difference between uncountable and countable order
properly express the quantities.
We can separate the names into two groups: those countless and accountants.
Accountants are those names of things, people, etc. we can tell. For
example we might say, one pencil, two pencils, three pencils ... Then we say
that pencil is an accountant.
chair, book, cat, pen, box, letter ...
Countless is anything that we can not tell. For example we do not
we can say, one rice, two rices, three rices ... Then we say that rice is uncountable.
salt, wood, tea, wine, sugar, oxygen, advice, bread, furniture, hair,
information, money, news, spaghetti, weather, rice
In addition, many names can be countable and uncountable while depending on the
their function:
For example:
THERE ARE two lambs. (Two Lambs)
We like lamb. (We like the beef and lamb)
We have used countless numbers of things such as: glass, bottle, liter,
etc ...
a glass of water
three cartons of milk
a loaf of bread

major difirencias between countable and uncountable:
ACCOUNTING: COUNTLESS have plural: egg-eggs have no plural: rice rices can not be
before we can book unique
use a or an:
an apple
we can not use a or an, we can not
say milk. Should be preceded, if you want
individualized, in a word with value
partitive as a carton of milk.
we can use numbers in front of a
Accounting: two eggs
we can not use numbers in front of a
uncountable we can not say two rices
Many are used for plural nouns
How many students Were There?
There Are Too Many People.
much is used for non-unique names
How much milk is in the fridge?
There is too much information.
FEW or A Few used to express
an idea of small or medium quantity:
A Few FEW biscuits or biscuits (few
a few cookies or crackers)
We use little or a little to express
idea of small or medium quantity: little milk
or a little milk (less milk or some milk


Reglas gramaticales de cosas contables e incontables!!!.

Es necesario entender correctamente la diferencia entre incontable y contable para poder
expresar correctamente las cantidades.
Podemos separar los nombres en dos grupos:
los incontables y los contables.
Los contables
ejemplo nosotros podemos decir: one pencil, two pencils, three pencils... Entonces decimos
que pencil es contable.
son aquellos nombres de cosas, gente, etc que nosotros podemos contar. Por
chair, book, cat, pen, box, letter ...
podemos decir: one rice, two rices, three rices... Entonces decimos que rice es incontable.
es todo aquello que nosotros no podemos contar. Por ejemplo nosotros no
salt, wood, tea, wine, sugar, oxygen, advice, bread, furniture, hair,
information, money, news, spaghetti, weather, rice
Además muchos nombres pueden ser contables e incontables a la vez dependiendo de la
función que desempeñen:
Por ejemplo:
There are two lambs. (Hay dos corderos)
We like lamb. (Nos gusta la carne de cordero)
Podemos contar cantidades de cosas incontables usando por ejemplo: glass, bottle, litre,
a glass of water
three cartons of milk
a loaf of bread
 las principales difirencias entre contables e incontables:
tienen plural: egg- eggs no tienen plural: rice no puede ser rices
delante de singular contable podemos
a o an :
an apple
no podemos usar
decir a milk. Deben ir precedidos, si quieren
individualizarse, de alguna palabra con valor
partitivo como
podemos usar números delante de un
contable: two eggs
no podemos usar números delante de un
incontable: no podemos decir two rices
a o an : no podemosa carton of milk.
se usa para nombres plurales
There are too many people.
many students were there?
se usa para nombres singulares no
There is too much information.
much milk is in the fridge?
una idea de cantidad reducida o media:
few o a few para expresar
few biscuits
galletas o unas cuantas galletas)
o a few biscuits (pocas
idea de cantidad reducida o media:
little o a little para expresar unalittle milko a

little milk (poca leche o un poco de leche

Reyes Magos!!!